Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What Does this Inauguration Mean to You?

It means: Inspiration to me!

Intangible yet real, it springs from a persons deepest core. It is a feeling that emanates from the sub-conscious to make you aware of the achievable. It is the amorphous inducing substance that makes you sob, smile, and shout all at the same time.

It means in essence that I have entrusted my life, the well being of my country, and of future generations into the hands, mind, and heart of the incoming President.

The inauguration means I have given him my trust: Which has my unselfish care for change, and it carries my charge, custody, and confidence with the positive expectation of our hope.

Charles Carlos Wheeler

I have participated, and so can you.

If you missed her email, Michelle Obama writes:

Nothing could be better than having you there to be a part of this historic event.

Thank you for everything you've done to bring us to this moment,


P.S. -- The opportunity to be part of this historic event is open to everyone, regardless of whether you make a donation. Participate now by telling us what this Inauguration means to you.

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"Brilliant Blogging Allowed, Thoughtful Messages Taken, Expletives are Expelled, Rants are Raved, " by Charles Carlos Wheeler