Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Attention all Newbies and Sincere Political Stalwart's

Trust has been violated - USA.CAN over steps boundaries. Presents National Agenda as Part of MyBO, as the next step to MyBO, and OFA (Organizing for America) 2.0, and it is not.

USA.CAN is not OFA period. OFA-Organizing for America 2.0 Under Mitch Stewart is the future of the Movement and it is not USA.CAN.

The Future of the Movement is:

Mitch Stewart

Campaign Manager David Plouffe recorded a short message for your group with Mitch Stewart, Executive Director of Organizing for America. Please take a moment to watch the video. You can watch the Video at MyBO here:

Mitch Stewart is the Executive Director of Organizing for America(OFA) not Lisa Lindo or Mr Currier. MS. Lindo and Mr. Currier are directors of the group they started called USA.CAN.


The CAN Original Email:

Hello Wonderfully Active People:

You're invited to join a group on

We are writing to invite everyone to please come out and join the President's Grassroots Team to support Barack as we roll out Government 2.0.

This is not the President Grassroots Team nor is it his roll out, nor is this a message from David Plouffe or Mitch Stewart! But It sure seems like it, they go on.

In his recent video ( Go to this and it is a Blank Page-this is dishonesty! Barack Announces Organizing For America. He mentioned that in a few days you would get instructions by email. These are the instructions.


> On Jan 25, 2009, at 5:23 PM, Connie wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm new to this group and from Massachusetts. I have been
> > "awakened" by
> > President Obama, but still very much a "newbie" when it comes to
> > organizing
> > and politics. I knocked on doors, donated and raised $, attended
> > events,
> > made phone calls and wrote letters to elect our President - never > > have I
> > done any of those things before. I have energy to give and I have
> > several
> > friends who want to be part of this movement - but we don't know
> > what to do.
> > I went to two events during the early Dec. round of meetings, but
> > there has
> > been no follow-through from those. So, my questions for this group:
> >
> > 1. is there a "chapter" for Massachusetts?
> >
> > 2. If not, should I start one?
> >
> > 3. How do we get started?
> >
> > I've signed up for USACAN and OFA - still confused where one starts
> > and one
> > takes over.
> >
> > Connie Bair-Thompson
> >


Message: 2
Original Message:
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 13:26:25 -0500
From: Chris Savage
Subject: [USACAN] USA.CAN is NOT an official OFA initiative
Message-ID: <>

I doubt this will get through the USA.CAN moderators but I'll give it a shot anyway.
Two days ago, I received the email below from Lisa Lindo via the
MichigandersforObama listserv. She and Paul Currier have
been blanketing the My.BO listservs with this email. They have also set up My.BO sites for USA.CAN as well as all of the so-called state Community Action Networks and one for every county in California.

While I am very appreciative of folks who take initiative to organize
themselves and others, there was a comment in Ms. Lindo's email that threw up a very big red flag for me:

"In his recent video ( Barack Announces Organizing For America. He mentioned that in a few
days you would get instructions by email. These are the instructions."

This is, in fact, a lie. That may seem extreme but, frankly, there's no other way to describe it. These are decidedly NOT "the instructions" that Barack Obama was talking about and Ms. Lindo has no business suggesting that they
are. I am appalled that someone claiming to work for progressive
change and using the OFA resources would presume to speak for Barack
Obama and his organization when they are not authorized to do so.

looking into the CAN groups and going so far as to set up
Washtenaw.Michigan.CAN, I sent an email out to folks involved in
organizing OFA 2.0. This morning I received a response from Jeremy
Bird, one of the top coordinators of OFA, someone who works closely
with David Plouffe, Jon Carson, and, assume, Stewart Mitchell, the new head of OFA:

These CAN groups are not official nor did anyone associated with those groups discuss them with OFA leadership.

We do appreciate all supporters and love the energy of this proactive online work.

the CAN email I received yesterday erroneously claimed to be "the next
steps" of the OFA organization. This is simply not true.

Watch your emails from us and we will continually update you as we progress together.



The final piece for me, the one that made me realize this was coming
out of left field, is that the only other moderator on the USA.CAN My.BO page (besides Paul Currier) is Ms. Lindo who goes by the name
"ConcernedMilf" on My.BO. No OFA person would ever be so crass as to
refer to
themselves in public like this, much less on a national community
organizing network.

all may do as you feel is best, of course, but I would highly recommend
that you wait until the official OFA organization is rolled out rather
than sign on to USA.CAN or Michigan.CAN. The working going in to this official initiative is extensive and the final product will be far more impressive, functional and effective than what has been put together here.

If you can wait for the official OFA network to be assembled (and it won't be much longer), you will be
able to tap into far more dedicated resources, be far more effectively
networked and be far more effective in your work than if you get
involved with an ad hoc group like the Community Action Networks being
promoted by Mr. Currier and Ms. Lindo. What they are doing, in fact,
has the real potential to have a negative impact on what OFA rolls out if people have already begun going down a different path.

I would encourage you to spread this message to others in other states that may not realize that USA.CAN is NOT an official OFA program.

Chris Savage
Dexter, Michigan

USA.CAN is a Group under MyBO but they are not representative of OFA as they alluded, and that is the deception, and confusion. Be Strong, Stay Connected, and Defeat Deceit.

Charles Carlos Wheeler
"Every man is as Heaven made him, and sometimes a great deal worse." - Cervantes

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