Friday, January 16, 2009

THE OBAMA POWER NAP: The answer to late nights, long hours in Obama White House

President Obama and his incoming staff will inherit daunting and extra ordinary challenges that will require both peak and optimum mental and physical performance from his staff and his cabinet.

President Obama is known for his physical and mental strength because he works at being fit physically, and mentally. He is known for working long hours into the night calling his staff at 11pm and working on speeches and reading, sometimes until 2 am.

The White House is expected to revolve around this schedule, by all accounts his Chief of Staff; R. Emanuel can burn the candle at both ends. He is often calling his staff as early as 6 am, and working late into the night, as well. Coming of a grueling campaign schedule, enduring the transition, and then stepping into power Pres. Elect Obama may find his people cascading like dominoes.

A partial answer to maintain peak mental performance can be the Obama Power Nap! The second equation to this conundrum is requiring a series of physical activities for White House Staff, where staff can choose any number of physical activities that allows them 30 minutes of aerobic activity each day.

The Power Nap has it origins in the siesta, but is far from being a siesta, in its truest form; the Power Nap is truly American. Imagine a nation that works out for 30 minutes, eats for 30 minutes, and naps for 30 minutes, and produces more, while combating fatigue, in an hour and half lunch break.

Unlike, a siesta in Spain, Mexico, and other Latin American countries a siesta shuts everything down for 3 hours that is un-American. The siesta for shops and businesses is from approximately 2pm until 5pm while bars and restaurants close from about 4pm until about 8 or 9pm, according to”

The answer: The Obama Power Nap! A nap after lunch is proven to improve your performance according to research web site Health, they say:

Therefore it is true; a nap after lunch can improve your performance. There is a wealth of evidence and research to support the validity of this claim. Napping is a very effective way of combating fatigue and lifting productivity in the work place. Only 15 minutes can lift someone's performance and concentration levels greatly.

"We actually have a dip in our core body temperature rhythm after lunch and that coincides with the sleep patch we have after lunch. And that happens even if we don't eat anything at lunchtime. So we're physiologically programmed to slow things down in the early afternoon," says Adelaide-based sleep researcher, Dr Sally Ferguson.

So, it is no surprise then that over 60 percent of workers are actually sleep deprived. Most other animals on the planet nap and humans have not evolved past this basic need.

So, it is no surprise then that over 60 percent of workers are actually sleep deprived. Most other animals on the planet nap and humans have not evolved past this basic need.

People are not getting nearly enough sleep at night and it's causing us to be less effective at work and bringing with it a whole host of health problems, which ultimately can lead to increased costs for businesses.

New York entrepreneur Arshad Chowdury has come up with the ultimate corporate kip — nap pods for rent.

"For the last 50 years in the western world we've been working longer hours and sleeping less every single year. This is the trend that's not going anywhere and something has to give," says Arshad.

If you nap for more than 20 minutes during the day, you'll slip into the deep sleep cycle, which means it'll take you longer to recover so a nap pod is designed to induce faster sleep by recalling your favorite nap settings, from music to contour preferences. By the time you freshen up after your nap, you'll be in and out in just 30 minutes.

According to Arshad, one in three Americans nap and he thinks this holds true for much of the western world. Therefore if we are given the opportunity to take a nap during the workday, one in three of us would choose to. He says, it's things like work culture that actually prevents us from doing so.

Nap pods are making their way to Australia.

A wise Pres. Elect Obama will see the benefits of a “Power Nap” and Nap-Pod’s may make their way into the White House especially if the grueling schedule continues, and if he wants to keep his staff from flailing, and falling like flies.

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