Thursday, January 29, 2009


Open Letter to the Republicans

It is astonishing that you have taken a purely political stance in your vote of "NO." It is clear where you and your peers stand in NOT helping America prosper.

Your group were only interested in appearing strong under a united NO vote, but it only showed how weak you and your peers are.

Your NO vote made you an embarrassment and have made you appear naked before the Nation and your Florida Constituents.

It is a shame that you clenched your fists and fain a smile at the extra and out of the ordinary extension of bi-partisanship that President Obama extended to you and your colleagues.

Remember the President knew he didn't need your vote to pass the Stimulus Package, but he went out of his way to get your input, and you failed.

President Bush did more to show graciousness and openness than you or your colleagues did.

You miss the point of the stimulus plan. You view it as spending. NO, it is an Investment. It is a down payment on the investment on the re-building of this country.

You have politicized Our desire to invest in America. What the Republicans for the last eight years have done is spend on other countries, wars, on the elite, giving tax breaks when it was not needed, and dug US into a hole. You created a climate of gluttony and greed and it exploded in Our faces.

It is time we spend on our selves, our nation, our cities, our schools, our universities, our infrastructure, and everything else that is crumbling in our Nation.

Our nation's mall needs to be the shining example of this country. Yes let's re-sod our Capital. It should be a kept like a jewel. Sod farmers in Florida, Georgia would be thankful for a 20 million contract. Yes, lets spend a few million dollars on contraception to keep our population from exploding like China.

It keeps our clinics and doctors employed, our pharmaceutical's operating. Let's keep our nation healthy and keep STD from becoming as dangerous as AIDS, but you view that as pork. No, it is an investment in ourselves.

You miss the point-a dollar invested in America is a dollar well invested in America. Ok lets use your term; A Dollar spent in America is a dollar well spent in America. No matter what it is-it is an infusion into the American economy, and that is what WE need.

You have used the carrot of tax breaks to create gimmicks to benefit a few at the detriment of the middle class just for purely political gain.

We are tired of receiving the bait and switch, and eating the crumbs you have been spilling off of your table, and drinking the drops of water that comes off your chins.

Tax breaks are like giving a starving person a fish it only means death is staved off to another day.

We need good paying long term jobs/careers instead of tax breaks to spur this economy. Long gone are the jobs you can hold for thirty-fifty years.

Our businesses have exported out those type of jobs creating this volatile economic climate, and hence the instability on our economy.

Tax breaks are great when a person is making money and is gainfully employed, that spurs investment, but when the majority of people are unemployed, or are under employed, we get what we have today, deflation and a looming depression.

Receiving a tax break with our current economy just delays the in-inevitable; a horrible depression racked with disease, crime, poverty, and futility.

We are in the Golden Hour of reckoning, and our nation needs a massive infusion of Capital Work projects. We don't want to squander our resources or our planet, but you have done that.

NPR reports: Even as the Fed wants to use all tools available to battle the crisis, it is mindful that there are dangers: the potential to put ever-more taxpayers' dollars at risk; sow the seeds of inflation in the future; and encourage "moral hazard," where companies feel more comfortable making high-stakes gambles because the government will rescue them.

Our Federal Reserve Bank is at its brink, and there is nothing it can do anymore to fix this crisis. Nor do WE want or expect them to squander our money over to bad. It is time for huge government intervention in the form of public works programs, and long term job creation.

We have seen The Industrial Revolution—1771; The Age of Steam and Railways—1829; The Age of Steel, Electricity and Heavy Engineering—1875; The Age of Oil, the Automobile and Mass Production—1908; The Age of Information and Telecommunications—1971. What age will be known for? The age of greatest social-economic catastrophe; what age will we usher in?

The American people should not shoulder or encourage bad business practices for the sake of the whole. No, those businesses should sacrifice for the whole.

We are now battling a three headed snake: the housing crisis, the bad credit market, and a crumbling financial market, and to kill it we must chop off its heads and break up its body into several pieces so that it never rears its ugly heads again.

You don't understand that WE want to rebuild America, WE wan to re-invest in American technology, WE want to build a transportation grid that DOES NOT use fossil fuels.

WE want to contribute to the energy grid and with a solar panel on every home in America we can, but that is not politically expedient to you because your vote has been bought by those entities that want to keep this country hostage to eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth century cronyism.

Your view is myopic. Republican and Democrats spent us into this recession. You are used to spending on pork, but when we want you to invest in America, you VOTE NO.

We hear YOU. But, if we were to stop buying 700 billion dollars worth of fossil fuel, we would in one year pay off this minuscule stimulus plan.

Rather than joining the thinking and saying OK what can I do to spur the economy in my state, and how can I invest in Florida wisely and with transparency through this stimulus plan-YOU have opted to VOTE NO. Nothing will come our way because of your NO VOTE. It is stingy thinking.

We will remember your NO VOTE, and when it comes time for re-election we will VOTE NO for you.

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