Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hillary’s New Hurdle for Secretary of State: Our Constitution

Sen. Hillary Clinton on the Hill. (Melina Mara/The Washington Post)

Hillary really wants to be Secretary of State, and she would be an excellent choice from the current selection of candidates.

After intense purposeful, scrutiny, and deliberations with President Bill Clinton’s counsel and the Podesta transition team.

Just when Bill Clinton, tells the Nation and the Obama folks, “I’ll do whatever they want,” to eliminate any barriers, and disclose any all of his dealings with the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) and stop any extra curricular activities with foreign dignitaries, and stop any benevolent activities that may be viewed as a conflict of interest, to rid any obstacles to Hillary’s nomination to Secretary of State, another hurdle arises.

Two hundred and thirty two years later our beloved Constitution and founding fathers have something to say about President Elect Obama’s pick for Secretary of State. Our founding fathers are speaking to us through the Emoluments Clause, of the Constitution. Al Kamen, of The Washington Posts writes,

“… specifically, Article One, Section Six, also known as the emoluments clause. ("Emoluments" means things like salaries.) It says that no member of Congress, during the term for which he was elected, shall be named to any office "the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during his term."

The aim of the constitution and founding fathers is to make sure that members of Congress do not reward themselves by providing for raises and then taking possession of those lucrative higher paying spots. The objective is avoiding the appearance of conflict of interest or shall we say greed.

But there is precedent, and Hillary has a possible fix, read the rest of the story here, at the Washington Post.

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