Wednesday, November 26, 2008

End Our Dependence on Fossil Fuels: It is Killing Us in Every Way Imagineable

Dear Administrator Johnson and EPA staff:

It is the mandate of the American people to the administrators of the nation to declare a clear break from the use of fossils fuels.

The mentality and dependence of using fossil fuel must be broken. Fossil fuels must be declared as extinct, as the dinosaurs.

Administrators must recognize how counter productive dependence on fossil fuels is to producing new energy technologies.

The existence and progress of mankind hinges on a clear break from fossil fuels, and it must start with you Mr. Johnson, the EPA, and your staff.

A clear message must be sent to every industry and every business that the nation will no longer rely on fossil fuels.

If you don't take drastic steps to shift our dependence on fossil fuels we will suffer both economically and personally in the very near future.

I urge you to take immediate action and rule that carbon dioxide and other global warming pollutants clearly "endanger the public’s security, health, welfare, and economic well being" and thus should be regulated and eliminated under the Clean Air Act, but more importantly you must declare that the nation cannot continue to exist with the use of fossil fuels period.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution and the use of fossil fuels is the primary cause of the energy crisis, the climate crisis, and health crisis we face today.

We're already seeing dramatic and dangerous climate effects today, and the climate crisis threatens the very livability of our planet for our children. We must reduce CO2 pollution now by eliminating our dependence on fossil fuels.

Rather than continue to rely on polluting fossil fuels, we can "Repower America" by developing new energy, and using existing energy sources that don't emit CO2.

We must make the switch to 100% clean electricity, and we must lead the world with the developing of a new energy technology. But first you must declare fossil fuels extinct. It is our mandate to you.
Submit your public comment to the EPA here:

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