Monday, September 20, 2010


Time Magazine/Getty Images

Net Neutrality is a "Flash-point" for "Big Government" tied to "Big Corporations" because they abuse their inferred power against the people who  gives it to them through votes and purchasing power. 

The explosiveness of this issue is obvious because "Net Neutrality Now" speaks to the simple protection of our First Amendment Right, against its further erosion.

But there are "big business" interests who consider themselves "big" in government who have "purchased" influence in "big government" who are asking government for the right to regulate the internet, or who "under their influence" play both sides and advocate for government regulation, in order to launch a campaign, to self regulate, set prices, slow web surfing speeds, curb free speech without supposed government intervention.

The main point is the protection of American's rights against the dilution or reduction of First Amendment rights by either government or business. The point is Bandwidth Capitalism and Bandwidth Socialism will not work. What is needed is a set of rules that codifies "Net Neutrality." 

Time magazine in their article "Net Neutrality: Flash Point for Foes of Big Government" reported Michael Copp the FCC commissioner to say: 
The Internet was born on openness, flourished on openness and depends on openness for its continued success," Copps told the crowd. "I suppose you can't blame companies for seeking to protect their own interests. But you can blame policymakers if we let them get away with it."
If his words mean what they say then, we may be heading in the right direction, otherwise allowing companies to create a tier system of speed over the internet amounts to "Internet Robbery" and gives control of the Internet to corporations, and becomes corporate welfare. 

Wired magazine in their article "Building the Internet Toll Road" makes it seem a harmless sure thing, and does not come out against the most blatant attempt of corporate theft of public services.

Why do we have to pay to allow a corporation to make it easier for a few to pay for better service. When there are millions without internet service, millions with poor internet service, and millions who are unemployed  and can't pay for internet service. 

Why make these people suffer? Instead, let's keep President Obama honest and make him put these people to work. Let's put the unemployed to work and have them build out the rest of the country's internet highway.

A "Toll" sounds harmless, but it in effect, commercially bypasses the law and cuts off our First Amendment rights . 

If Congress attempts any of these laws directly or creates actions that obviously removes or abridges our rights they will have an outraged nation on their hands.

Join the fight for "Net Neutrality Now" and write your Congressman and Senators and let them now where you stand and what they must do to protect our First Amendment Rights.

As a Reminder, Again

If we continue with our current apathy and leave corporations unfettered, without checks and balances, corporations will find  ways to commercially protect their interests without respect of our rights.

Before they abridge our Internet freedom of speech and press, and before Congress allows corporations to enact systems, tariffs, levies, or service tiers we must set out to fight against these "Speed Tiers and Internet Tolls."

More importantly allowing these companies to create a system that violates, impedes, and differentiates the free flow on information over the internet will impede the free exercise of religion, infringe on our freedom of speech, and infringe on the freedom of the press, and interfere with our rights as citizens to freely and peaceably assemble over the internet.

Moreover, we will see a "grass roots" prohibition and restriction, over the internet, of our ability to petition  for governmental redress of grievances. Under the 2007 S1 omnibus "Ethics Reform Bill,"  allowing corporations the ability to charge a toll, a levy, amounts to government sponsored censorship.

Creating a "tiered" for "better" service will impede "grassroots lobbying."  It will discourage the voluntary efforts of millions of people. Members of the general public will not be able or will be deprived, impinged, the ability to communicate their own views on any issue to Federal, state, and local officials, and will discourage and cut off other members of the general public to do the same. 

All a clear violation of the Constitution and the First Amendment.

This an election issue, Join the cause,write Congress Now and Demand Net Neutrality Now! 

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