Monday, July 6, 2009

Councilman Zine should Resign for His "Black Tax" on the Death of Michael Jackson

It is outrageous that at the passing of the World's most famous American Musical Icon that a politician would step in and demand a "Black Tax" and ask the Michael Jackson family to pay $2.5 million dollars worth of police protection for the most famous African American musician this country and the world has ever known.

Shame on Councilman Zine for demanding publicly that the Jackson's pay for the services of Police and protection. He sounds like an embittered, evil person.

Michael Jackson's funeral is about the public mourning of a great musical icon. People from all over the world will converge on Los Angeles just to be a part of his history. Just the mass influx of people alone will more than pay for the public service needed for public safety.

Michael Jackson in death along with his fans is bequeathing to the city of Los Angeles an enormous and beneficial economic impact because of his very public funeral and mourning.

Millions of Los Angeles Michael Jackson's fan's alone have already paid their taxes to the city of Los Angeles, but because this is a great ceremony a public mourning, a ceremony, a funeral procession the likes of which the city will never see again, but moreover because it is public in it size and magnitude, it deserves the police protection without the payoff -"The Black Tax" - councilman Zine is asking for.

Councilman Zine should resign and apologize for his very public demand to pay him and the city of Los Angeles off for this very public and onerous-merciless demand.

Listen to the Zine demand here at MSNBC:

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