Friday, April 3, 2009

Dear Senator Coleman

Mr. Coleman,

"I don't blame you one iota for feeling as you do. If I were you I would undoubtedly feel as you do." D. Carnegie.

My name is Charles Wheeler and a stranger to you. You have had a hard fought fight for a job, and a passion you enjoy. It is traumatic not only to you but those closest to you.

However the situation in Minnesota has grown so tenuous that it seems you are hurting yourself, and despite that -others seem to be happy and willing to use you, oblivious of your expense.

You may end up suffering more serious damage personally, and emotionally than you may perceive. You have made great personal sacrifices in this race, more than most men.

But those you love and those you serve may well be the ones who will suffer the brunt of a possible personal shut down, and all at the possible expense of your political career.

It is a pity that you have to go such extremes, and it is almost inconceivable that you lost by so little of margins.

Yes you should battle to the end, but it will cost you much more time and treasure, but that is nothing in comparison to your reputation, and the scars your closest ones will suffer.

I sympathize with you Mr. Coleman-from a distance I can see it is not easy, but there are always new battles to fight, who knows maybe ending this valiantly will payoff in your better political development.

Tell Norm Coleman to concede his Senate race for his good and the good of Minnesota.

Or copy and Paste this link:

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"Brilliant Blogging Allowed, Thoughtful Messages Taken, Expletives are Expelled, Rants are Raved, " by Charles Carlos Wheeler