Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ten Reasons/Solutions for the "LOST" Budget; Not all Lost, but Need to Re-Double Efforts

Todd Heisler/The New York Times

President Obama speaking at a news conference in the East Room of the White House on Tuesday night.


Read the Headlines:

The New York Times Reports:

Obama Tries to Rally Nation to His Agenda


Published: March 24, 2009

WASHINGTON — President Obama tried to rally the nation behind his ambitious agenda Tuesday night, hoping to channel outrage at Wall Street excess into support for changes in tax, health care and energy policy that face skepticism even within his own party in Congress.

The Washington Post Reports

President Pleads For Patience on Recovery Efforts

He Points to 'Signs of Progress'

By Michael D. Shear and Scott Wilson

Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, March 25, 2009; Page A01

President Obama asked the American people for patience last night as his administration struggles to balance a surge of populist anger at Wall Street against the need to assist some of the financial institutions that helped create the economic crisis

Ten Reasons/Solutions for the "LOST" Budget; Not all Lost, but Need to Re-Double Efforts:

1. Opponents sidetracked the President Obama’s budget with noise from AIG bonuses in the


2. Re-emphasize and re-establish a clean break from problems of previous administration; name out President BUSH, and signal the BUDGET AS A NEW BEGINNING to tackle those problems.

3. The Public are not accustomed to an open discussion about the Budget.

a. Make the Budget discussion like bread and butter, life and death, kitchen table issues.

4. The White House Public Affairs Office (PAO) is operating and slumping in business as usual.

5. PAO has no clear focus for an Offensive.

a. Break up PAO slumping by bringing in mentality of the campaign.

b. Everything is a Campaign in the White House”

c. IF PAO is Limited use OFA to launch joint AD campaign with DCCC.

d. Team up to inform public and engage their “Public Sentiment.” with PSA's.

6. The Message has not been made in clear and beneficial specific terms to the public.

a. Break down the consequences to the public even further.

b. Paint the picture of what will happen if these reforms are not passed.

c. Give affirming details of where our country can be with or without this budget. Make it

personal to arouse “Public Sentiment”

d. Paint a picture in words.

e. Create the demand for budget.

f. PAO needs to become “Disney Imagineers” and promote the President’s Agenda.

7. Public has no “Public Sentiment” what is missing President Obama’s media blitz?

a. Establish Media-Ad Blitz Offensive.

b. Public does not see how impacting this Budget can be.

1. Explain what Lobby Controlled Legislators want to tear out of the Budget.

2. Identify Publicly Democrat or Republican influenced by Lobbyist money

3. Line up Publicly those opposed to the Budget and those For it

4. Campaign vigorously for Moderates

c. Create the Demand for the Budget through Traditional TV and Radio


1. Set Radio campaigns by influential well known “Einstein Type” scholars.

2. TV Campaigns Create MTV type ad saying:

“I want my Education,” “I want my Healthcare,” “I want New Energy,” “I want to be Out of Debt!”

3. Use Congresspersons and Senators to promote his Budget

4. Use More Analysts on All News shows to promote this Budget.

5. Send Out Mailers

8. The Political Hawks sense the President is on the Defense.

The Pres. Is “Pleading” Congress.

- He should be demanding it From Congress with the voice of Public Sentiment.

a. Why does he sound like he is begging? He does not have the full wind at his back

—There is NO PUBLIC OUT CRY for this

He does not have full “Public Sentiment.”

Got it! (forgive my repetition and simple mind).

b. Big business is using all lobbying leverage on Moderate and Conservative Democrats

– They are pulling their money strings to rip (R.I.P.) apart and destroy his Budget.

c. Political hacks are crying louder and are taking the wind out the President’s sails.

d. Big Business/Washington Status Quo/ are ban together to divide the Democratic caucus.

e. Listen to Lincoln’s Loud words in his “House Divided Speech

"A house divided against itself cannot stand."

I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free

f. Obama government will not endure if the Democrats are divided on the budget.

g. AGAIN – arouse “Public Sentiment” for His Budget

h. Reid and Pelosi must work hard to keep Democratic Caucus United.

9. Reframe the Argument as a Public Demand based on “Public Sentiment!" with a MEDIA BLAST

a. He alone can not win Public Sentiment. Everyone must rally and be a part in this effort.

10. Then President Obama and staff must re-double efforts about his Budget.

"Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it nothing can succeed."

- Abraham Lincoln

ADD your reasons, offer your solutions and pass it on.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

" TEN - things you should know about Obama's Plan ... (but probably don't)"... BUT IS WORTH REPEATING.

Many People received this message but it is worth repeating.

After reading the change I felt as though the nation was now going to receive the oxygen it was so desperately in need of. You can almost breathe in the fresh air.

It now means we have a second breath, an extra burst of energy. Our work has just begun it now means we have to re-organize and mobilize ourselves for the next stages of strategy in:

How to "DEFEND AND COUNTER"the "PUSH BACK" we are starting to get from the "STATUS QUO."

Here is what President Obama and the email said

"President Obama called his budget "a threat to the status quo," and trust me, the status quo noticed. Oil companies, big banks and insurance companies are already mobilizing to stop it.2"


Want to see what change looks like? Real change?

Well, here it is. Last week, President Obama unveiled his budget—his blueprint for America—and it's ambitious, amazing, and unapologetically progressive. As Paul Krugman said, it will set America on a "fundamentally new course."1

President Obama called his budget "a threat to the status quo," and trust me, the status quo noticed. Oil companies, big banks and insurance companies are already mobilizing to stop it.2

Unfortunately, most folks don't realize how far-reaching and progressive the plan is—that's where we all come in.

Here are 10 really incredible things about Obama's plan. Check them out and then send them on to your friends and family so that millions of people will have the information they need to fight to make this vision a reality.


10 things you should know about Obama's plan (but probably don't)

The plan:

  1. Makes a $634 billion down payment on fixing health care that will go a long way toward paying for a more efficient, more affordable health care system that covers every single American.3
  2. Reduces taxes for 95% of working Americans. And if your family makes less than $250,000, your taxes won't go up one dime.4
  3. Invests more than $100 billion in clean energy technology, creating millions of green jobs that can never be outsourced.5
  4. Brings our troops home from Iraq on a firm timetable, finally bringing the war to a close—and freeing up almost ten billion dollars a month for domestic priorities.6
  5. Reverses growing income inequality. The plan lets the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans expire and focuses on strengthening the middle class.7
  6. Closes multi-billion-dollar tax loopholes for big oil companies. 8
  7. Increases grants to help families pay for college—the largest increase ever.9

  8. Halves the deficit by 2013. President Obama inherited a legacy of huge deficits and an economy in shambles, but his plan brings the deficit under control as soon as the economy begins to recover.10
  9. Dramatically increases funding for the SEC and the CFTC—the agencies that police Wall Street.11
  10. Tells it straight. For years, budgets have used accounting tricks to hide the real costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Bush tax cuts, and too many other programs. Obama's budget gets rid of the smokescreens and lays out what America's priorities are, what they cost, and how we're going to pay for them.12
This is the change we voted for. President Obama has done his part, now we need to do ours.

Can you pass this on to your personal network and then click here to let us know how many people you told, so we can track our impact together:

Thanks for all you do.

–Daniel, Tanya, Peter, Justin and the rest of the team

P.S. Turns out there are way more than 10 amazing things in Obama's budget and we couldn't resist sharing just a few more.

  1. Stops unnecessary government subsidies to big banks, health insurance companies and big agribusinesses.13,14,15

  2. Expands access to early childhood education and improves schools by investing in programs that make sure every child has a qualified, strong teacher.16
  3. Negotiates for better prescription drug prices using Medicaid's tremendous bargaining power.17
  4. Expands access to family planning for low-income women.18
  5. Caps the pollution that causes global warming, and makes polluters pay to support clean energy innovation.19

1. "Climate of Change," The New York Times, February 27, 2009

2. "Obama Calls His Budget Sweeping, Needed Change," The New York Times, February 28, 2009

3. "Obama Offers Broad Plan to Revamp Health Care," The New York Times, February 26, 2009

4. "Obama Expects Fight Over $3.55 Trillion Budget Plan," Bloomberg News, February 28, 2009

5. "Energy Budget Is Sunlight After Eight Years of Darkness," Center for American Progress, February 26, 2009

6. "The Economic Cost of War in Iraq and Afghanistan," The New York Times, March 1, 2009

7. "Tax Cuts," The New York Times, February 26, 2009

8. "Energy Budget Is Sunlight After Eight Years of Darkness," Center for American Progress, February 26, 2009

9. "Student Loans," The New York Times, February 26, 2009

10. "Obama unveils budget blueprint," CNN, February 26, 2009

11. "Obama budget would boost SEC, CFTC, FBI," Reuters, February 26, 2009

12. "Obama's budget," Los Angeles Times, February 27, 2009

13. "Student Loans," The New York Times, February 26, 2009

14. "Health Insurance Stocks Dive on Medicare Advantage Cuts," The Wall Street Journal, February 26, 2009

15. "Agriculture," The New York Times, February 26, 2009

16. "Investing Wisely in Our Children," Center for American Progress, February 26, 2009

17. "Obama Offers Broad Plan to Revamp Health Care," The New York Times, February 26, 2009

18. "Obama Offers Broad Plan to Revamp Health Care," The New York Times, February 26, 2009

19. "Setting 'Green' Goals," The New York Times, February 26, 2009