Monday, December 1, 2008

OBAMA'S RECIPE FOR STRONG DEFENSE: Requires Strong Beliefs, Strong Personalities, Strong Opinions, with Vigourous Debate

MSNBC Reports: December 1, 2008, Bullet Excerpts from President-Elect Obama's National Security Team Press Conference.

  • National Security Team shares consensus
  • I will be Setting Policy as President
  • I will be Responsible for the Vision
  • I will expect them to implement that vision once decisions are made.
  • "The Buck Stops with Me."
  • I did not ask for assurances from these individuals that they would agree with me at all times.
  • On the Broad Core Vision where America needs to go - We are almost in complete agreement
  • There are going to be differences in tactics, and different assessments, and judgements made,
  • That is what I expect that is what I welcome
  • That is why I asked them to join the team.

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