Friday, August 13, 2010


Net Neutrality is the biggest First Amendment issue of our era and of the 21st century.

When world wide web was created Net Neutrality was one of its main tenets. In fact our government intended it to be created equal across the Internet.

But now what was created for the benefit of the greater good is now being "pillaged" by corporate America. The internet super infrastructure doesn't discriminate and neither should Google and Verizon between wire-line and wireless frameworks.

By presetting its own rules Google and Verizon are just dividing the 'NET PIE' and they stand to profit from the private services they will offer.

Reading between the lines PC WORLD writes: "The proposal would force broadband providers to comply with "consumer protection and nondiscrimination standards" before offering private Internet services".

It behooves us to fight for our rights now, rather than to allow corporate America to dictate the content and configuration of what we see, what we read, what we watch.

We must avoid the onslaught of "spim and spam, SpamSMS, and Rickroll" and special services that will impede free speech.

Our Lawmakers must first realize this.  Again, not having Net Neutrality will impinge, and "Infringe on our Freedom of Speech".

Congress must not hand over and allow corporate America to dictate the rules regarding our First Amendment rights and the internet.

Ensuring unimpeded access to the NET is incredibly important for our economy, and our society. If left to for-profit companies to set the rules then expect a repeat of why the CAN-SPAM Act was enacted.

Corporate America will over-charge and under-deliver and do more harm than good, and should not be allowed to dictate what you as a legislator should do.

Moreover, as a political issue and a possible law “Net Neutrality” is a "win-win" issue.

Just think of the bipartisan support and political points a lawmaker would gain by being proactive with Net Neutrality.  Done right few direct problems will occur without risk.

You will have my support if you take on this issue.

Our representatives must support "Net Neutrality Now!"