Saturday, February 7, 2009


Education should be "Our Sacred Cow." Cutting Education is a "knee-jerk" Reaction to balancing Budgets. It is a common Political Ploy. It is the common way of doing business in Washington. It doesn't Hurt them (the lawmakers) but it Hurts Our Schools, Our Teachers, Our Students. It hurts everyone.

How else will this nation pull itself out of the whole. Education is money well spent. It is the best investment this governing body can do for its people. It is the best money an individual will ever spend. Cutting Education is Stupid.

It is near sighted and ignorant of lawmakers to cut the Educational Budget allotment in this stimulus, when our schools are bursting at the seams with record high enrollments, and have record budget shortfalls during this recession!! EDUCATION NEEDS THIS MONEY NOW.

Some Politicians are narrow minded and operate with "small thinking" when they cut our EDUCATION BUDGETS. Rather than approaching this from an open "Expansionist" point of view. How can we grow our nation with "small thinkers"??

If we cut our $700 billion dollar habit on dependence on Foreign Oil in one year we can re-coup what we spend on this bill.

Call your Senators and tell them to replace the money they cut for Education!!! Today. Make them afraid of our voices.